The Brinkley Food Pantry
The Brinkley Food Pantry – Is a registered pantry operating out of McKinley Methodist Church. The pantry is open every Thursday from 3:30 PM to 5:30 PM and is open for everyone. We can always use volunteers. If you’d like to help/volunteer – sign up on our volunteer page or email For additional resources call the United Way (937) 225-3001
Culturally Appropriate Food Distribution
Culturally Appropriate Food Distribution – This is a year-long project serving 25 emigrant families, serving a monthly box of fresh food. This project is funded by The Dayton Foundation Basic Human Needs Grant. For more information, contact us (937) 716-1098 ext. 2.
The Gathering
Offering free lunch Wednesday from 11:00 am – 12:30 pm. All are welcome. Also offering free haircuts and free clothes! We are grateful to United Way, The Foodbank Miami Valley, the Dayton Foundation, Miami Valley Meals, Ebenezer Healthcare Access. For now – use a generic photo of a soup kitchen — I’ll keep looking for real photos that we can use.