Igniting Creativity for Tomorrow

Here at the Equity Center, we’re more than just food security, education, workforce development and healthcare initiatives; we’re also Ground Zero for dreams and ideas to take flight and come alive. As a Creative Incubator, we’re a hub for innovation. If you have a dream, a passion, a business idea or a way to improve processes and help change the world, we want you. Everyone deserves their dreams and we are dedicated to being a spring off platform in the greatest capacity; we can assist you on a journey of  success.

Inspirations and Connections

Some of the programs that have come from or been enhanced by our incubator include:

  • Ebenezer Health Care Access – whose mission is to build a community free of health disparities by providing healthcare access to legal immigrants and other underserved populations. Ebenezer provides health education and additional services to over 2500 immigrants and refugees who have settled in our region. Ebenezer Healthcare Access (
  • GEM (Girls Emerging into Maturity) – Voted by Dayton Magazine as nonprofit of the year 2023 in community outreach, the mission of the Girls Emerging into Maturity organization is to improve Ohio’s future by inspiring the youth, empowering families and the communities by providing them with tools and resources to succeed. (4) Facebook
  • 360 Food Catering 360 Food Catering
  • Elite Stars Drill & Dance Team – Elite Stars Drill Team – Home (
  • And more! 

The Equity Center is always adding new programs as it works with individuals and other organizations.  If your church/organization is needing assistance in addressing needs or implementing ideas – please visit our webpage – Global Village